In January 2009 I moved to a house at the foot of a hill. The wee Nab in Whalley, not all that grand, is large enough to prevent any kind of decent terrestrial television signal from reaching the redundant arial that awaits patiently to no avail. No signal means no T.V. (when you despise Sky as vehemently as I). Thus my television set is left to join an ever growing list of superfluous items that litter my home.
So alarmed were those around me to learn of my loss that I was soon inundated with offers of solutions including; new sets with built in digi box, new arial leads and other various electrical equipment. The clutter of electrical redundancies in the corner of my living room, if not ridiculous, would actually make me laugh. Luckily for me, and more importantly for my four year old son, we have the internet - and the internet has BBC iplayer. So you could say we aren't living entirely without telly.
How has it been living without a myriad of channels to trawl through? Have we missed the range, the options, the currency? Frankly, no. There are times when I have missed the ability to follow the Tennis, or the mind-numbing relief of watching something mind-numbing following a stressful day. Yet, overall it has been blissful. My house is peaceful, beyond the calls and plights of my four year old son and the occasional bouts of maternal rath.
Without T.V. we can chat, we can think, we read, we play and if our desire to watch something overwhelms us we sit together and feed our dark craving suitably with iplayer.
My little house and I have missed the passing of the digital era but we have not missed T.V. Unfortunately we are set to move this month. A move that will return us back to the world of telly. I only hope we'll survive the transition.
Watch this space.