With the eve of the day before us, we set out. Our work complete and yet on the cusp of beginning. The memories of a year gone by; behind us but within us, defining the fabric of our love. Almost overwhelmed with the silence between us we push on embracing the prospect of walking up, forcefully up, to Cracoe Monument.
The route unknown to us; a path to negotiate, explore. A mirror of our own journey into being and continuing. A welcomed challenge. Every step we take is deliberate and uncertain. Seeking exertion together. The vast soft billowing-blue hue of the sky above us, hard ice-crisped ground beneath us, an earthy climb before us.
The song of your voice the perfect melody to the awkward harmony of the pheasant calls and mild wind blowing. The sight of you soothing relief for the painful climb. My chest rises and falls, rises and falls, breath in, in and out. Getting deeper and heavier as we climb.
We break away from each other as we draw near to the top. Our desire now to reach the summit greater than our longing for each other. I only hear my breath and the breaking bracken beneath my feet. We choose different paths. I watch as you reach Cracoe before me and for a fleeting, sickening second I am lost to fear. Fear that you are gone, that we are lost to the wild, swirling chaos of our lives.
Then I see you, from a moment of humour; humour that closes it's colourful fist around my dark fear, pushing it away. Happiness swells from me and forces me on to you. I encircle the stone to reach you, past the blood-red poppies, over the irregular rock, I touch the cold smooth surface of the monument as I work my way to you.
In your arms I rest back, back to your front. Warm clouds of your breath fall softly, like quiet promises, about me and I glow. We survey the beauty before us; a glorious reward for our work. The amber of the falling sun resting heavy on the horizon sinking away like a forgotten love. The last of the light weaving through wisps of mist reaching out to us, bathing us gently as we stand and gaze. The intoxicating hormones of our achievement make me giddy with delight. I feel alive and en-spirited. I want you right there. My need for you exploding out into the dusky air.
We dance on over stiles, weathered rocks and through frost-bitten heather. In nature's secret place I open my body to you as my fingers trace the rough contours of the earth. I hear my cries rise up and float off on the breeze of the night. Soaring high toward the setting sun. I feel you within me and smile. A smile that carries me playfully down. Skipping, running, recklessly galloping down the heathered-hill. Back to where we set out, where we began.
The rythmic beat of your steps throbbing in my ears, thra tat, ta-tat, ta-tat. Delighting my heart, igniting my soul with every note. The music of that night will play on, within me for a life-time.
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